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Many men have a desire to be effective in a ministry.  Leading to many churches wanting to start an outreach for the purpose of engaging sportsmen within their local community.


Kayak Fishing with Christ has discovered that events and projects are proven in establishing effective men’s ministry.

Men are looking for “Fellowship with Purpose”.


Most Bible-believing churches focus on three basic functions in fulfilling their mission:

Evangelism – Discipleship – and Missions

KFWC also understands: Fellowship Together – Discover Christ – Become Passionate

Evangelistic and mission-oriented outreach projects provide great excitement and are usually more visible. However, Discipleship is an equally essential component of the Bible-believing church.


The Great Commission is very clear in commanding the followers of Christ to “make disciples of all men”. KFWC emphasizes Fellowship with Purpose to encourage effective follow up on all outdoors outreach events. Realizing that an effective and ongoing outdoors ministry requires the concerted efforts of a committed core leadership team, KFWC has developed a plan of discipleship that is modeled after the first-century strategy used by Jesus Himself.


Just as He invested the personal resources of time, energy and focused prayer in the lives of twelve men, KFWC has developed a plan to do the same. In our current day, we still see the fruits of His labor from two thousand years ago, as twelve ordinary men revolutionized the then-known world. Jesus greatly encouraged His disciples by stating that His followers would do even greater things than He had accomplished. Such empowerment then engaged His followers to begin to share their Christian faith with others.


What an awesome adventure! KFWC encourages sportsmen to utilize a very simple metaphor called “Paddling Towards the Son” as a disciplined track for men to follow in fulfilling the biblical mandate of the Great Commission. Paddling Towards the Son KFWC uses the very appropriate metaphor of “Paddling Towards the Son” to communicate essential lifelong goals in becoming a follower of Jesus Christ then passing the Christian heritage down to the next generation. Paddling Towards the Son applies to an individual’s desire to grow spiritually as well as a group team who want to follow a disciplined track together!

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Matthew 28:18-20

Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth.  Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.  Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you.  And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

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